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Welcome to the 2025 school year! I especially welcome all new students, staff and families who this week began their journey at Rostrevor – you are all warmly welcomed into our community.  

This year’s Opening Ceremony was a beautiful way for the Rostrevor College community to commence its 102nd year. Always an emotive event, this year’s was no exception, with the bagpiper leading new students through a guard of honour and around the Valley as their families, returning students and staff watched on. A favourite tradition of the event for many is the moment Year 12 and Reception students waved at each other across the Valley. The wave unites Rostrevor’s oldest and youngest students and serves as a reminder of how inherit inclusivity is to our community’s culture.  

I wish each of you well for the year ahead, and trust that we will work together to continue to be a college, like others in the wider Edmund Rice Education Australia (EREA) family, that provides a Liberating Education, based on a Gospel Spirituality, within an Inclusive Community that is committed to Justice and Solidarity. 

Shana Bennett

Strategic Plan 2025-2028

With the new school year, Rostrevor College has launched a new strategic plan which will take us through to 2028. To ensure we can continue to deliver a quality Catholic education to boys for generations to come, we are strengthening our focus on being a College that is grounded in identity, drives personal growth, fosters connection and empowers people, now and forever.

We are proud to share with our community our 2025-2028 Strategic Plan. 

Foundation Parent Welcome Drinks

Join us next week for the Foundation Parent Welcome Drinks on the Rostrevor House Front Lawns to kick off the 2025 school year. 

It’s the perfect chance to mingle and get to know fellow Rostrevor parents in a laid-back and friendly atmosphere. Come along for great conversation, refreshing drinks and a warm welcome to the Rostrevor community. We can't wait to see you there! Please note – this is a parent & caregiver event only. 

When: Thursday 6 February, 6:00pm to 8:00pm  


Prefects' Investiture

The Prefect’s Investiture this morning was a chance us to acknowledge and celebrate the leadership journeys our 2025 Prefects are embarking upon this year. Beginning the day with an intimate Chapel service for Prefects and their families, Head Prefect Alecs Zorzi then addressed the entire student body at assembly for the first time in his new role.   

Rostrevor’s thirteen Prefects and their Deputies play a significant role in setting the tone for the student body. They accept the responsibility of being examples of how Rostrevor students are to conduct themselves in all aspects of their daily lives at school. I look forward to working with the incoming Prefect group this year and have every confidence that their example and service will uphold what it means to be a Rostrevor man in today's world. 

Welcome to Rostrevor’s New Staff

This year we welcome a number of new staff to our College community, including the entire grounds and maintenance team who were previously employed externally. Please join us in welcoming the following people to Rostrevor: 

  • Ben Clohesy - Academic Staff 
  • Jayden Cremasco - Academic Staff 
  • Ella Davey - Classroom Support (MY/SY) 
  • Lily Di Giovanni - Classroom Support (JY) 
  • Cooper Harrison - Grounds Officer 
  • Steve Harrland - Grounds Officer 
  • Rebecca King - Accounts Payable Officer 
  • Michelle Lumsden - People & Culture Manager   
  • Megan McCormack - College Registrar 
  • Brett Meldrum - Maintenance & Grounds Assistant 
  • Charlie Molan - Classroom Support (MY/SY) 
  • Damien Nicholls - Academic Staff - Junior Years (Health & PE)   
  • Greg Palmer - Grounds Officer 
  • Greg Pengilly - Maintenance Officer 
  • Joseph Pipicella - Head of House 
  • Dominic Porcelli - Academic Staff 
  • Stuart Proud - Director of Boarding 
  • Zachary Richards - Academic Staff 
  • Mirella Romeo - Director of Identity and Mission 
  • Dominic Sangermano - Academic Staff  
  • Michael Sosa - Academic Staff 
  • Melanie Stanley - PA to the Deputy Principal & Director of Identity & Mission 
  • Patrick Steen - Maintenance & Grounds Assistant 
  • Grace Stefanato - Boarding House Administrator 

Boarders Return to Duggan House

On Monday, as Rostrevor’s boarding students returned to Duggan House, we also welcomed 30 new boarders and their families to the College community. Gathering together from all over Australia, the Duggan House community started 2025 with an uplifting liturgy followed by a selection of excellent finger food in Duggan House where new and returning students and their families had a chance to meet each other and catch up with staff members.    

All boarders took part in a team building quiz in the Dining Room on Tuesday afternoon, followed by a few activities to get to know each other and build community as they settle into boarding life. 

Moonhack Award

Moonhack is a free international event bringing kids from across the world together for two weeks of coding. Last year, Oliver Seret created a Scratch coded game about how best to grow sugarcane. All of the projects in 2024  looked at real world problems and encouraged participants to code games that helped other students to think about how we can work together to create solutions. 

Oliver's project was displayed on the showcase site and won the award for the best project in its group. Not only did he win a bag of exciting prizes, but the school also won 20 micro:bits (small hardware systems used for coding education), which will be available for teachers to use with their digital technology classes.  

College Uniform Shop – Extended Trading Hours

Rostrevor College has a designated Uniform Shop on campus that is located in the lower levels of the Rice Building in the Valley adjacent to the Canteen. All new and current families are required to make their own uniform fitting appointments through our online appointment system.  

You are welcome to purchase from the online uniform shop at your convenience and your order will be filled when the store is next open. 

(08) 8364 8383 

Please note, as of January 2025, the College Uniform Shop has changed its trading hours: 

  • Monday | 8.00am-4.00pm  
  • Tuesday | 8.00am-4.00pm  
  • Wednesday | CLOSED  
  • Thursday | 9.30am-5.30pm  
  • Friday | 8.00am-4.00pm 


Queensland Basketball Trip

In early December last year, Rostrevor’s Open A and Middle A Basketball teams flew to Queensland to compete in the 2025 Footlocker Australian School Championships. The boys enjoyed all Gold Coast had to offer and became a tight knit group throughout the trip.  

The competition was extremely tough and both teams played high level basketball, improving as the tournament progressed and displaying true Rostrevor spirit. The Middle As competed in the U17 competition, finishing with some great wins against the bigger sides. The Open As progressed to the quarter finals, being knocked out by just five points. Thank you to all the coaches and staff members who made this amazing experience possible.  

SA Superband Selection

Congratulations to William Yeon and Ashton Nguyen who were selected for the Jazz SA Superbands. Positions in these bands are open to musicians up to the age of 21, making this a great achievement for the Year 10 students.  

Based at the University of Adelaide, the Superbands provide young musicians who have a keen interest in big band music with the opportunity to expand their knowledge of the style and repertoire through performing a mixture of arrangements. 

Basketball East Coast Challenge

Several Rostrevor students represented South Australia at the East Coast Challenge (Sydney) and the Southern Cross Challenge (Melbourne) over the holidays. They competed against the best young talent in the country and showcased their potential on the big stage. The boys were exceptional on and off the court, securing some great wins and marginal losses against extremely tough competition.  

Congratulations to Brock Langeluddecke (U16s), Dylan Lomman (U16s), Dylan Rehn (U16s) and Ryder McNamara (U15s). Teacher Carla Saponari also coached the Under 18 girls' team through the competition.