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At Rostrevor, we understand boys and how they learn.
We take the time to get to know every boy, understand his individual needs and build on his unique strengths to challenge him to be the best that he can be. 

An active approach

We structure classes and coursework to best cater for how boys grow and learn. We understand the need for boys to be active and that they thrive socially and academically when they are given regular opportunities to engage in physical activity. Rostrevor offers an exceptional and diverse Co-Curricular Program and has a philosophy of encouraging participation in healthy physical activity and developing team spirit in every student. 

Research demonstrates a link between fitness and academic performance and suggests exercise is good for perseverance, discipline and focus as well as overall mental and physical wellbeing. The camaraderie and friendships that develop through sport are invaluable and often remain with our boys well beyond their school years.  

Respect and Compassion

In a single-sex environment, boys take greater responsibility for supporting and caring for their peers and younger students. When a boy enrols at Rostrevor, he also joins a community in which he feels valued and a strong sense of belonging, in which he will remain for life.  

As a Catholic College in the Edmund Rice Tradition, our boys are given many opportunities to be Men for Others by supporting and advocating for those on the margins of our community through our Social Justice programs. Rostrevor is among the most active and dedicated schools in SA when it comes to our students' philanthropical work in the community. 

Our students also participate in a range of programs which teach the importance gender equality and respect and have regular meaningful interactions with students from our sister schools. 

Success in language-rich subjects

Rostrevor regularly demonstrates that boys are capable of succeeding at the highest level in language-rich subjects. In 2018, the State's highest prize for Year 12 English Studies, the Tennyson Medal, went to Rostrevor student Cyril Saji, and in 2019, Rostrevor's Senior Debating Team won the SA Secondary School Championship. In 2022, Year 12 Anton Piotto won the medal for the highest achieving Stage 2 Modern History student in the state. 

From the earliest school years, Rostrevor places great emphasis on literacy skills and developing a love of reading. As our boys progress through the Middle Years and beyond, this emphasis flows through every aspect of their learning giving our boys the confidence to express themselves in all areas of study and life.