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The Middle Years at Rostrevor includes Year 7, Year 8 and Year 9; the first half of a student's secondary education. It is not a separate school within the College but is a clearly defined stage of educational development that requires a focussed and tailored approach to bring out the best in every boy during early adolescence. At the same time, it is vital that our Middle Years boys enjoy many everyday interactions with their peers in the Senior Years.Â
With a major intake of students at Year 7, Rostrevor draws boys from more than 25 local primary schools and beyond who join approximately 50 boys from our own Junior Years to begin their secondary schooling. Consequently, Year 7 is an exciting time when many new friendships are formed, an extensive array of co-curricular offerings are explored and horizons are greatly expanded.Â
What sets Rostrevor Apart?
At Rostrevor, we believe strong relationships between teachers and students are the key to student wellbeing and academic success. When we take the time to get to know each boy, it reminds him that he is important for who he is. Therefore, we place great emphasis on every boy being known by name by his teachers, by other boys and indeed most people he will encounter across the school day.Â
Based upon the principle that, 'to educate boys, you have to know them well', the Middle Years is structured around each year level having four to five classes of 24 boys in each class. Thus, your son will have approximately 120 other boys in his year level. Keeping class sizes close to this number provides teachers with the time they need to get to know each boy, his preferences and strengths as a learner, which enables them to better design lessons and learning activities that will engage his interest and passion.Â
For information regarding the vast array of academic opportunities offered at Rostrevor College, please view our Curriculum Handbook. For students who require extra classroom support, Rostrevor offers an Inclusive Education Program, learn more here. Â
Belonging and Care
Boys thrive when they are deeply connected to their community. Our House structure and vertical Pastoral Care (PC) groups are integral to supporting the development of a strong sense of belonging. Upon enrolment, each boy is allocated to one of six Houses. Younger siblings and sons of Old Collegians will usually be allocated to the same house as their brothers or father.Â
We give priority to PC teachers remaining with their group of boys year after year. Likewise, it is not uncommon for boys to experience a single teacher as Head of House for their entire journey from Year 7 through to graduation in Year 12. This allows for stronger bonds to be made and a family-like network of support to develop over time.Â
Within the Houses and PC classes, older boys are given the responsibility of caring for and mentoring their younger peers. This culture of brotherhood plays a huge role in creating a safe school where students know each other and are not intimidated by the presence of older peers. Coming together on sports and House Days is also a tremendous source of camaraderie, friendly rivalry and lifelong memories.Â
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