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Rostrevor College’s Junior Years has a long tradition of offering quality educational experiences to boys from Reception to Year 6 in the Edmund Rice Tradition. These are critical years that form the basis of future development and growth – physically, socially, intellectually and spiritually.  

Our curriculum provides opportunities to foster self-assurance, responsibility, resilience, knowledge, skills, and capabilities relevant to the world of today and tomorrow. 


Our contemporary teaching and learning approaches are centred around the Australian Curriculum and Crossways (Religious Education). 

Students participate in specialist teacher programs for Music, Italian, Science and Physical Education with an opportunity participate in an extensive range of co-curricular experiences.   

For students who require extra classroom support, Rostrevor offers an Inclusive Education Program, learn more here.  

Literacy Approach

Rostrevor’s literacy approaches are based on the explicit and systematic teaching of fundamental literacy knowledge and skills. 

We follow the latest evidence-based and scientifically proven methodologies – such as the Science of Reading – to provide the best possible environment for all boys to develop the ability to read, write and understand language and literature.  

The Science of Reading is a comprehensive body of research covering disciplines such as education, special education, literacy, psychology, and neurology that provides information on how the brain best learns to read. 

Rostrevor also employs the use of the Structured Literacy Model – a highly explicit and systematic way of teaching the key components of literacy.  


Rostrevor College boasts an exceptional and extensive Co-Curricular Program. All boys in the Junior Years, without exception, are involved in at least one winter and summer co-curricular activity designed to develop their strengths, build friendships and expose them to new challenges.  

Students from Reception to Year 6 are offered a range of co-curricular activities including Chess, Debating, Music, Tennis, Basketball, Football, Auskick and Soccer.  


With large grounds available to explore, exercise and play, we give our boys space to grow and learn in an open environment.   

While the Junior Years occupies its own wing of the College, our youngest learners utilise the same wide array of facilities enjoyed by Middle and Senior Years students. They also have access to many spaces exclusive to primary students, such as the Callan Hall gymnasium, the Bungalow oval, the playground and sandpit, the Br Coghlin Sustainable Garden and expansive courtyard area.  

Junior boys have weekly access to the Science Labs for hands-on experiments under the guidance of specialist staff and are regular visitors to the Ideas Centre (library), Agricultural Farm and vegetable garden.   

Starting in Reception

For students beginning their education, we offer two intake options: 

  • Term 1, where students complete four terms in Reception, and 
  • Term 3, where students complete six terms in Reception.  

Mid-Year Reception students who join us in 2025 will receive free tuition for Terms 3 & 4. This includes tuition fees and compulsory charges. 

All students who are commencing in Reception at Rostrevor are invited to attend the Little Rossi Learners: Ready for Rostrevor program held in the term prior to commencement. Held over six weekly sessions, the program prepares Rostrevor’s youngest students for College life as they develop a sense of belonging, establish routines and a positive connection to their learning environment and form bonds with their future peers and teachers.  

  • Child's Birthday 1 January - 30 April 2020 = Reception Intake Term 1 2025 
  • Child's Birthday 1 May - 31 October 2020 = Reception Intake Term 3 (Mid-Year) 2025 
  • Child's Birthday 1 November - 31 December 2020 = Reception Intake Term 1 2026 

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