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Enrolling at Rostrevor

Thank you for considering Rostrevor College for your son’s future education.  We understand that choosing the right school for your son is an important decision and that a well rounded quality education gives boys the best opportunities to learn, develop and grow into considerate, progressive-thinking young individuals.

We offer the opportunity for students to start their educational journey in our Junior Years (Reception to Year 6) and progress through our Middle & Senior Years (Years 7 to 12) all on the one campus. Boarding is available from Years 7 to 12.

Our main entry points are Reception, Year 7 and Year 10, however applications for enrolment are invited at all year levels.

To apply for enrolment at Rostrevor College, please submit an Application for Enrolment Form. Commencement is subject to availability within the year level, therefore, we encourage you to apply as early as possible.

For boys commencing in Reception, we also offer a mid-year intake, depending on your son’s age and readiness for schooling. As a guide, we suggest: 

·         Term 1 for boys who turn five between 1 November and 30 April.

·         Term 3 for boys who turn five between 1 May and 31 October. 

Boys who start school in Term 3 will complete six terms of Reception.

Enrolment Process

For further information about Rostrevor College and enrolling your son, please contact our College Registrar, Megan McCormack.
(08) 8364 8244

Our College Tours provide a wonderful opportunity to experience Rostrevor College first-hand. To register for one of our College Tours please click here. 

Alternatively, to arrange a Personal Tour at a time that best suits you please contact College Registrar, Megan McCormack.
(08) 8364 8244

If your application for enrolment is more than two years before the intended start date, download the application form and return it to Two years before commencement, we will invite you to complete an enrolment form. 

If your application for enrolment is within two years of the intended start date, please complete an enrolment form and submit it along with any requested supporting documents to  

An Application for Enrolment can be made at any time from birth onwards. A $60 non-refundable application fee applies. Once received, your son’s name will be placed in our waitlist for the relevant year of entry.

The Application for Enrolment is retained in the College database and acknowledged by letter. We request that you keep the College informed of any change of contact details to ensure we can progress your Enrolment.

Your family will be invited to attend an Enrolment Interview with either the Principal or member of our Senior Leadership Team. This may be in person or arranged via Microsoft Teams for families that are unable to travel to Adelaide.

Successful applicants will receive a formal Letter of Offer shortly after their Enrolment Interview. Parent(s)/caregiver(s) accept the Offer of a place by completing and returning the Enrolment Agreement together with the Enrolment Acceptance fee of $500. This fee will be deducted from the commencing year’s tuition fees.

Should families wish to withdraw the enrolment of their son, the Enrolment Acceptance fee will be refunded less an administration fee of $300, provided notification is received more than two terms prior to the commencement.

Our New Student Orientation and Transition Program includes dedicated Transition Days for new students commencing in Reception to Year 11. These are held in Term 4 and provide an opportunity for new students to spend time with their peers, teachers and learning environment prior to commencement.

Information Evenings are held during Term 3 in the year prior to commencement for parents and caregivers of new students. This is an opportunity for families to learn more about the expectations of an education at Rostrevor College including school policies, uniform expectations, curriculum information and to ask any questions to key staff.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Applicants

Rostrevor College has been selected as an education provider for students who are offered places in the Indigenous Youth Leadership Program (IYLP). 

The IYLP offers scholarships and leadership opportunities to young First Nations Australians, with a focus on Indigenous youth from communities in remote areas to be able to extend their educational choices and opportunities. 

Funded by the National Indigenous Australians Agency and The Smith Family, the IYLP provides a bridge in the gap in costs between other funding such as Abstudy. In addition, the fund may provide support to students for non-compulsory education expenses. 

Students are encouraged to apply approximately 12 months prior to commencement by lodging an application with The Smith Family. An application to Rostrevor College must be made at the same time as the completed application to the Smith Family IYLP program. 

Rostrevor College supports the enrolment of Firsts Nations students in conjunction with our Reconciliation Action Plan. 

Conditions for Enrolment

When accepting a place at the College, the student and his parents become members of the Rostrevor College community. The prospective student and his parents are required to respect the values underlying a Catholic School in the Edmund Rice Tradition. It is understood that the acceptance of enrolment implies an undertaking on the part of the student, with the support of his family, to participate fully in all College activities as required. 

Please note: an application to Rostrevor College does not guarantee offer of enrolment. The Principal of Rostrevor College determines all enrolments for the College.Â